Posts tagged with ‘World Bank’

3 Items

Jeffrey Sachs’ Reform Candidacy for World Bank President

by Facilitate Global

Jeffrey Sachs’ Reform Candidacy for World Bank President by: Staff, Center for Economic and Policy Research | Op-Ed Supports a “Competitive Process” That Will Address Pressing Issues Washington, D.C.- Economist and health expert Jeffrey Sachs’ reported candidacy for World Bank president is welcome news for the two-and-a-half billion people around the world living in poverty, […]

OPT: Boosting protection and tackling food insecurity

by Facilitate Global

OPT: Boosting protection and tackling food insecurity IRIN The humanitarian community’s 2012-2013 Consolidated Appeals Process (CAP) for the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) has a narrower scope than in previous years, focusing on two strategic objectives: improving the protective environment, including access to essential services like health care and education, and tackling food insecurity especially in […]