Statute of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), full document  [continue reading]

ICJ, About the Court, The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations (UN) … [continue reading]

ICJ, the History of the Court, The creation of the Court represented the culmination of a long development of methods for the pacific settlement of international disputes … [continue reading]

ICJ, the Members of the Court, The International Court of Justice is composed of 15 judges elected to nine-year terms of office … [continue reading]

ICJ, current Members of the Court, [continue reading]

ICJ, all Members[continue reading]

ICJ, latest Decisions and Press release, [continue reading]

ICJ, Presidency, The President and the Vice-President are elected by the Members of the Court every three years by secret ballot …  [continue reading]

ICJ, Statements by the President, [continue reading]

ICJ, Chambers and Committees, [continue reading]

ICJ, Judges and ad hoc, Under Article 31, paragraphs 2 and 3, of the Statute of the Court, a State party to a case before the International Court of Justice which does not have a judge of its nationality …  [continue reading]

ICJ, current Judges Ad aoc,  [continue reading]

ICJ, all Judges ad hoc, [continue reading]

ICJ, How the Curt Works,  The Court may entertain two types of cases: legal disputes between States submitted to it by them [continue reading]

ICJ, Financial Assistance to  PartiesSecretary-General’s Trust Fund to assist States in the settlement of dispute through the International Court of justice … [continue reading]

ICJ, Annual Reports,  Every year the Court submits a report on its activities to the United Nations General Assembly …  [continue reading]

ICJ, the Registry, The Registry is the permanent administrative organ of the Court. It is accountable to the Court alone. It is headed by a Registrar, assisted by a Deputy-Registrar …  [continue reading]

ICJ, the Registrar,  The Court appoints [continue reading]its Registrar from among candidates proposed by Members of the Court. He is elected for a term of seven years and may be re elected. …  [continue reading]

ICJ, Organizational Chart of the Registry,   [continue reading]

ICJ, Text Governing the Registry, Registry officials are subject to the Instructions for the Registry, as drawn up by the Registrar and approved by the Court on 20 March 2012 … [continue reading]

ICJ, Instructions for the Registry, full pdf [continue reading]

ICJ, Staff Regulations, full pdf [continue reading]

ICJ, Library of the Court, Origins, The Library of the International Court of Justice has its origins in the Library of the Permanent Court of International Justice … [continue reading]

ICJ, Cases,The Court has a twofold role: to settle, in accordance with international law, legal disputes submitted to it by States (Contentious cases ) and to give advisory opinions (Advisory proceedings) … [continue reading]

ICJ, Pending Cases, [continue reading]

ICJ, List of all Cases referred to the Court since 1946 by date of introduction,  [continue reading]

ICJList of Contentious Cases by date of introduction, [continue reading]

ICJ,  List of Advisory Proceedings referred to the Court since 1946 by date of introduction,  [continue reading]

ICJ, Judgments, Advisory opinions and Orders by chronological order, [continue reading]

 ICJ, Basic Documents, The International Court of Justice was established by the Charter of the United Nations ..[continue reading]

ICJ, The Charter of the United Nations, The Charter of the United Nations signed at San Francisco on 26 June 1945 is the constituent treaty of the United Nations … [continue reading]

ICJ, Statute of the Court,  The Statute of the International Court of Justice is annexed to the Charter of the United Nations, of which it forms an integral part. The main object of the Statute is to organize the composition and the functioning of the Court … [continue reading]

ICJ, Rules of the Court,Article 30 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice provides that “the Court shall frame rules for carrying out its functions”…   [continue reading]

ICJ, Practice Directions,The Court first adopted in October 2001 Practice Directions for use by States appearing before it …   [continue reading]

ICJ, Other Texts, In addition to the Statute and the Rules of the Court, some sides of the activities of the Court are run by other legal documents adopted by the Court, by the United Nations or concluded by the Court with the host country …  [continue reading] [continue reading]

ICJ, Notes for the parties concerning the preparation of pleadings. In addition to the Statute and the Rules of the Court, some sides of the activities of the Court are run by other legal documents adopted by the Court, by the United Nations or concluded by the Court with the host country …  [continue reading]

ICJ, Resolution concerning the Internal Judicial Practice of the Court [continue reading]

ICJ, Privileges and Immunities, [continue reading]

ICJ, Others, [continue reading]

ICJ, Jurisdiction, The International Court of Justice acts as a world court. The Court has a dual jurisdiction …  [continue reading]

ICJ, Press Room, The Court’s Information Department is there to assist the media wishing to cover the Court’s activities …  [continue reading] 

ICJ, Press Releases[continue reading]

ICJ, Calendar of Hearing and Events, [continue reading]

ICJ, Media Services, [continue reading]

ICJ, Accreditation, Media representatives are required to register in advance by filling out the online accreditation form on the Court’s website … [continue reading]

ICJ, Multimedia[continue reading]

ICJ, Mailing List, [continue reading]

ICJ, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ),  [continue reading]

ICJ, Publications of the Permanent Court of International Justice (1922-1946), The establishment of the Permanent Court of International Justice (PCIJ), the predecessor of the International Court of Justice, was provided for in the Covenant of the League of Nations. It held its inaugural sitting in 1922 and was dissolved in 1946 …  [continue reading]

ICJ, Publications, Series A: Collection of Judgments [continue reading],  Series B: Collection of Advisory Opinions [continue reading],  Series AB: Collection of Judgments, Orders and Advisory Opinions [continue reading],  Series C: Acts and Documents relating to Judgments and Advisory Opinions given by the Court [continue reading],  Series D: Acts and Documents concerning the organisation of the Court [continue reading],  Series E: Annual Reports, Publications of the Permanent Court of International Justice (1922-1946)  [continue reading],  Series F: Index, [continue reading], Other: [continue reading]


The Rome Statute of the International Court, full indexed listing [continue reading]  or access full pdf [continue reading]

What is the Rome Statute [continue reading]

ICC, About,  The International Criminal Court (ICC), governed by the Rome Statute, is the first permanent, treaty based, international criminal court … [continue reading]

ICC, At A Glance, The International Criminal Court (ICC) is an independent, permanent court that tries persons accused of the most serious crimes of international concern, namely genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes [continue reading]

ICC, Structure of the Court, The Court is an independent institution. The Court is not part of the United Nations, but it maintains a cooperative relationship with the U.N…  [continue reading]

ICC, The Presidency,  The Presidency is one of the four Organs of the Court. It is composed of the President and First and Second Vice-Presidents … [continue reading]

ICC, The Chambers,   [continue reading]

ICC, Office of the Prosecutor  [continue reading]

ICC, Registry, The Registry is one of the four organs of the International Criminal Court and it is responsible for the non-judicial aspects of the administration and the servicing of the Court … [continue reading]

ICC, Outreach, In order for the Court to fulfil its mandate its role and judicial activities must be understood by a variety of audiences …   [continue reading]

ICC, Victims and witnesses, One of the great innovations of the Statute of the International Criminal Court and its Rules of Procedure and Evidence is the series of rights granted to victims …  [continue reading]

ICC, Victims and witnesses protection and support, The Rome Statute, the Rules of Procedure and Evidence and the Regulations of the Court and of the Registry contain important provisions for the protection and support of victims and witnesses …  [continue reading]

ICC, Defence, The defence is a fundamental pillar of the scales of justice at the International Criminal Court, and a key component of a fair trial .. [continue reading]

ICC, Detention Centre, The ICC Detention Centre is located within a Dutch prison complex in Scheveningen – on the outskirts of The Hague. It functions to hold in safe, secure and humane custody those persons detained under the authority of the ICC … [continue reading]

ICC, Situations and Cases,  23 cases in 10 situations have been brought before the International Criminal Court … [continue reading]

ICC, All Situations,   [continue reading]

ICC, Cases,  [continue reading]

ICC, Hearing Schedule, Current Week,  [continue reading]

ICC, Press and Media, The Public Affairs Unit of the Court is responsible for media relations and the provision of services to facilitate accurate media coverage of the activities of the Court … [continue reading]

ICC, Press Releases,  [continue reading]

ICC, Audio Visual,  [continue reading]

ICC, Video Streaming, [continue reading]

ICC, Weekly Update, [continue reading]

ICC, Press and Media Contact [continue reading]










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