Posts tagged with ‘Geneva Conventions’

2 Items

Resilience & Resistance A Palestine Cause

by Facilitate Global

Resilience & Resistance A Palestine Cause Clive Hambidge & Soraya Boyd Resilience There are many definitions of resilience. One such is “the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or even significant sources of threat.” In the face of Israeli persecution and contrary to international normative law, Palestinians have determinately […]

NLG opposes NDAA and Indefinite Detention

by Facilitate Global

NLG opposes NDAA and Indefinite Detention The National Lawyers Guild With the so-called “War on Terror” continuing for over a decade, President Barack Obama is about to sign the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) into law. The NDAA permits the indefinite detention of anyone, including citizens of the United States, who “was part of or […]