Posts tagged with ‘activist’

5 Items

Profit Driven Prison Industrial Complex – The Economics of Incarceration in the USA

by Facilitate Global

Profit Driven Prison Industrial Complex – The Economics of Incarceration in the USA Nile Bowie Profit Driven Prison Industrial Complex: The Economics of Incarceration in the USA. For every 100,000 Americans, 743 citizens sit behind bars For anyone paying attention, there is no shortage of issues that fundamentally challenge the underpinning moral infrastructure of American […]

Israeli army harasses press crew, beats a B’Tselem female volunteer, and lies to foreign media

by Facilitate Global

Israeli army harasses press crew, beats a B’Tselem female volunteer, and lies to foreign media Jalal Abukhater Yesterday was another violent Friday in the village of Nabi Saleh as the weekly protests against settlement expansion continues. As always, the demonstration was met with tear gas, disgusting skunk chemicals and rubber-coated metal bullets. Disregarding cases of […]

The Big Chill

by Facilitate Global

The Big Chill Laura Rozen Achill has taken hold lately among both government officials and the US media. It comes in the wake of a US district court’s decision to jail a New York Times reporter for refusing to reveal to a grand jury her sources in the Bush Administration and the FBI investigation of […]

In Iranian media, activist lauds Charlottesville’s anti-war resolution

by Facilitate Global

In Iranian media, activist lauds Charlottesville’s anti-war resolution Ted Strong The day after the Charlottesville City Council passed a resolution calling on the federal government to end all its wars and avoid starting a new one with Iran, the move has drawn attention from abroad. One arm of Iran’s state-owned media, PressTV, is reporting the […]

Truthdigger of the Week: Chris Hedges

by Facilitate Global

Truthdigger of the Week: Chris Hedges Late last year, President Obama pulled a fast one by changing his stance on the National Defense Authorization Act so suddenly and drastically that Americans were left with a bad case of legislative whiplash—and a very serious state of affairs with regard to our civil liberties. Obama’s stunning switch […]