Posts tagged with ‘SOPA’

2 Items

ACTA: Worse Than SOPA and PIPA

by Facilitate Global

ACTA: Worse Than SOPA and PIPA Stephen Lendman Internet freedom’s on the line. SOPA and PIPA threatened Net Neutrality and free expression. So does ACTA. More on it below. For now, the largest online protest in Internet history got Congress to abandon SOPA and PIPA for now but not permanently. Expect resurrection in modified form. […]

Victory for Internet Freedom: Obama Announces Opposition to SOPA, Congress Shelves Bill

by Facilitate Global

Victory for Internet Freedom: Obama Announces Opposition to SOPA, Congress Shelves Bill The Protect IP Act and Stop Online Piracy Act have generated intense opposition because of their crackdown on Internet freedom–and that opposition just won big. Misguided efforts to combat online privacy have been threatening to stifle innovation, suppress free speech, and even, in […]