Posts tagged with ‘sabotage’

2 Items

Syria: Report of the Arab League Observer Mission

by Facilitate Global

Syria: Report of the Arab League Observer Mission Neil Godfrey As a follow up to my earlier post Syria: what we are not being told here is an English translation of the report of the Arab League Observer Mission to Syria. Of particular interest are the statements made in it about the way the media have […]

Military Attorney Was Accused of “Smuggling” Anti-Guantanamo Literature to Detainee

by Facilitate Global

Military Attorney Was Accused of “Smuggling” Anti-Guantanamo Literature to Detainee Jason Leopold Military attorney says false allegation preceded Guantanamo commander’s recent order authorizing a team of Pentagon contractors to reveiw privileged, attorney-client communications. But was the claim leveled to justify the new policy? Early last month, Air Force Capt. Michael Schwartz was summoned into the […]