Posts tagged with ‘occupiers’

2 Items

The Afghan Dust is Settling

by Facilitate Global

The Afghan Dust is Settling A Sourcebook on Media Censorship in America Book Review of Project Censored’s Censored 2012 Dr. Paul W. Rea Even more than its predecessors, Censored 2012 makes for highly engaging and informative reading. This collection is a well mixed bag containing much that we need to know but typically don’t. Scarcely […]

A Fitting Symbol of the American Empire

by Facilitate Global

A Fitting Symbol of the American Empire Sheldon Richman The image of four U.S. marines urinating on the corpses of Afghan fighters is a fitting symbol of American intervention in Central Asia and the Middle East. That picture will live forever in the memories of people in the region, along with the pictures from Iraq’s […]