Posts tagged with ‘Galilee’

3 Items

UN Expert Concludes: Israel Implements a strategy of Judaization

by Facilitate Global

UN Expert Concludes: Israel Implements a strategy of Judaization ICAHD Prof. Raquel Rolnik, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing, has concluded this morning (Sunday, February 12th 2012) of a two week visit to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Speaking in Jerusalem this afternoon Prof. Rolink said: “From the Galilee and the […]

Why a Regional Model for Israel/Palestine Is Viable and Just

by Facilitate Global

Why a Regional Model for Israel/Palestine Is Viable and Just David Zlutnick Rachel Havrelock is a scholar of the Hebrew Bible and its historical interpretation. She is an associate professor of Jewish studies and English at the University of Illinois at Chicago, the author of three books and the writer/director of the play “From Tel […]