Posts tagged with ‘crime.’

3 Items

Military Attorney Was Accused of “Smuggling” Anti-Guantanamo Literature to Detainee

by Facilitate Global

Military Attorney Was Accused of “Smuggling” Anti-Guantanamo Literature to Detainee Jason Leopold Military attorney says false allegation preceded Guantanamo commander’s recent order authorizing a team of Pentagon contractors to reveiw privileged, attorney-client communications. But was the claim leveled to justify the new policy? Early last month, Air Force Capt. Michael Schwartz was summoned into the […]

Stop Warmongering in the Middle East

by Facilitate Global

Stop Warmongering in the Middle East Richard Falk The public discussion in the West addressing Iran’s nuclear program has mainly relied on threat diplomacy, articulated most clearly by Israeli officials, but enjoying the strong direct and indirect backing of Washington and leading Gulf states.  Israel has also engaged in covert warfare against Iran in recent […]

Honduras: Lawyer Gunned Down After Reporting Police Abuses to Media

by Facilitate Global

Honduras: Lawyer Gunned Down After Reporting Police Abuses To Media Reporters Without Borders The lawyer Ricardo Rosales was murdered two days ago, three days after he was quoted in the newspaper Diario Tiempo as accusing police officers in the northern town of Tela of serious human rights violations. Rosales (on the right of the picture) […]