And the land cried tears of blood

Soraya Boyd

Heaving with revulsion, the defiled and mutilated land suppurates

Bloodied tears borne out of grief inconceivable only inaudible sighs each pang separates

And the mournful stones cry out in great desperation


A vicious war-faring theatre testing out illegal biological weapons of mass obliteration

Never-endingly contaminating soil, polluting air and vitiating water: the vile bi-product of a military occupation

And the mournful stones cry out in great desperation


Sporting a macabre subjugator’s rationale, its devastating wake causes profound environmental despoliation

A deluded violator so greatly engrossed in self deceit advances its self annihilation

And the mournful stones cry out in great desperation


Unremittingly the cloak of desolation advances from hilltops to valleys, amidst desecration and plunder

In the fearful space of a brutal occupation the air, the water, the soil in profound desperation shudder

And the mournful stones cry out in great desperation


In concerted longing, the heart of every aggrieved element weeps tears of blood Conjoining in sorrowed unison as a great flood:

The aggrieved soil cried out with all its might echoing across infinite time

The befouled water cried out with all its might echoing across infinite time

The depressed air cried out with all its might echoing across infinite time


With patience infinite, transformational and regenerative, an aerated soil fertile and resolute re-configures its potency

With patience infinite, transformational and regenerative, a purified and thirst quenching water re-configures its potency

With patience infinite, transformational and regenerative, a fresh and inspired air re-configures its potency


Mourning furrows ploughed labouringly under brutal occupation bear witness to the pain and suffering of a sickened core

While steadfastly affirming in vivo the great nurturer’s gifts:  restorative virtues of an enduring healing lore


And the mournful stones cry no more

In concerted longing, the heart of every element ceases to shed tears of blood

Conjoining in resolute unity as a great flood:

From the hilltops, valleys to the sea, with inexhaustible reserves of strength, the soil, the water and the air as one affirm ‘we shall cry no more for we shall be ever free’


Soraya Boyd is Founder and CEO of Facilitate Global. She can be contacted at

First posted March 30, 2013 by FG


Tagged with And the land cried tears of bloodFacilitate GlobalmilitaryOccupationSoraya Boyd


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