Posts tagged with ‘United Nations General Assembly’

3 Items

A Deadly Déjà Vu

by Facilitate Global

A Deadly Déjà Vu  Clive Hambidge  Operation Pillar of Cloud “Now we can sense the sweet scent and the soulful breeze of the spring, a spring that has just begun and doesn’t belong to a specific race, ethnicity, nation or region, a spring that will soon reach all territories in Asia, Europe, Africa and the […]

An American Narcissist

by Facilitate Global

An American Narcissist  Clive Hambidge  It would seem unfair to single out Mitt Romney as a modern day narcissist when the insufferably long American election campaign crowds to a rowdy and inglorious finale with both men and their teams equally aware that the only change that Americans have experienced has meant being short-changed, whilst being […]