Posts tagged with ‘Right of Return’

6 Items

Balfour An Apology?

by Facilitate Global

Balfour An Apology? Committee Room 2a House of Lords  Clive Hambidge The Balfour narrative, biblically driven, was a prejudicial sweep of historical Palestine under an imperialist Zionist carpet underlying the 1922 League of Nations Mandate of the Balfour/Lloyd George deceit. The meta-physics of this ‘sociological’ religiosity seeks (indeed remains in) and re-turns to history, and, […]

‘Personal Journeys: The Global Impact of Israel’s Dissenting Voices’

by Facilitate Global

‘Personal Journeys: The Global Impact of Israel’s Dissenting Voices’ Notes taken by Susan Walpole – Facilitate Global Fundraising Dinner, London, 10 April 2013 These notes are of two brief talks by Miko Peled and Ilan Pappe, followed by a Question and Answer (Q & A) session. Views expressed are those of the speakers. Any transcription […]

Redefining the Right of Return: Will the US Congress Succeed?

by Facilitate Global

Redefining the Right of Return: Will the US Congress Succeed? In this episode of Palestine Studies TV, we discuss a recent attempt by the US Senate to change the US government’s policy on how Palestinian refugees are defined. We explore how this legislation could impact negotiations on the right of return, as well as the […]

61 Homes Demolished in Gaza!

by Facilitate Global

61 Homes Demolished in Gaza! Barbara Lubin I am writing this letter to you late at night and I am asking you to help me. Over the years I have asked for you to step up and reach out to the people here in Palestine because to be honest with you are the only people […]

Marwan Barghouti: Prisoner of Conscience

by Facilitate Global

Marwan Barghouti: Prisoner of Conscience Stephen Lendman From March 29 – May 3, 2002, during the second Intifada, Israel conducted Operation Defensive Shield. Before Cast Lead, it was its largest military operation since June 1967 when Israel occupied Palestine. On September 23, 2001, a warrant was issued for Barghouti’s arrest. On April 14, 2002, he […]