Posts tagged with ‘racism’

5 Items

The Israeli Connection

by Facilitate Global

The Israeli Connection Clive Hambidge and Soraya Boyd Supremacists in arms When one thinks of Israel today, one immediately thinks of a chain of inseparable  words:  impunity, immunity and deception; a bleak tableau which gives rise to an acrid blue sky laden with ideological chemtrails. No matter the attempt to quiet a synaptic leap across […]

On anti-Semitism, war crimes, and old poets

by Facilitate Global

On anti-Semitism, war crimes, and old poets Lillian Rosengarten Silence in the face of apartheid is unbearable. We can no longer remain silent nor turn our backs and pretend ignorance to a gruesome occupation of stolen land, the cruelest collective punishment in the open-air sewer prison where Palestinians once lived in peace. The situation has […]

Europe’s Own Human Rights Crisis

by Facilitate Global

Europe’s Own Human Rights Crisis Benjamin Ward To many friends of human rights in Europe, the Arab Spring has been the most thrilling period since the fall of the Berlin Wall. Judging from their soaring rhetoric about yearning for freedom among Arab peoples, European Union leaders share that enthusiasm. Today there is an opportunity, the […]

Anti-peace Coalition Governing Israel

by Facilitate Global

Anti-peace Coalition Governing Israel The Blockbusters Uri Avnery January 21, 2012 “Information Clearing House” —  “ISRAEL HAS no foreign policy, only a domestic policy,” Henry Kissinger once remarked. This has probably been more or less true of every country since the advent of democracy. Yet in Israel, this seems even truer. (Ironically, it could almost […]