Posts tagged with ‘Noam Chomsky’

115 of 16 items

Balfour An Apology?

by Facilitate Global

Balfour An Apology? Committee Room 2a House of Lords  Clive Hambidge The Balfour narrative, biblically driven, was a prejudicial sweep of historical Palestine under an imperialist Zionist carpet underlying the 1922 League of Nations Mandate of the Balfour/Lloyd George deceit. The meta-physics of this ‘sociological’ religiosity seeks (indeed remains in) and re-turns to history, and, […]

Clement Atlee Suite

by Facilitate Global

Clement Attlee Suite Houses of Parliament The Suffering of Palestinian Refugees in Jordan Clive Hambidge To highlight suffering is one thing, to alleviate suffering yet another. To bring an end to suffering must be the primary reflex for moral action undertaken by persons that will not tolerate  institutional accord with determinate and recorded crime by […]

The Israeli Connection

by Facilitate Global

The Israeli Connection Clive Hambidge and Soraya Boyd Supremacists in arms When one thinks of Israel today, one immediately thinks of a chain of inseparable  words:  impunity, immunity and deception; a bleak tableau which gives rise to an acrid blue sky laden with ideological chemtrails. No matter the attempt to quiet a synaptic leap across […]

The Race to End Violence Before We End Life

by Facilitate Global

The Race to End Violence Before We End Life Robert J. Burrowes Can we take meaningful action to prevent our own extinction without ending human violence first? The scientific evidence that human extinction will now occur before 2050 continues to rapidly accumulate. (See, for example, ‘Global Extinction within one Human Lifetime as a Result of […]

Noam Chomsky: The Decline of American Empire (Part 2)

by Facilitate Global

Noam Chomsky: The Decline of American Empire (Part 2) The principles of imperial domination have undergone little change, but the capacity to implement them has markedly declined. To stay on top of important articles like these, sign up to receive the latest updates from here. The following article is part 2 of Noam Chomsky’s series on […]

Noam Chomsky: America’s Decline Is Real — and Increasingly Self-Inflicted

by Facilitate Global

[part 1] Noam Chomsky: America’s Decline Is Real — and Increasingly Self-Inflicted Noam Chomsky, Significant anniversaries are solemnly commemorated — Japan’s attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, for example.  Others are ignored, and we can often learn valuable lessons from them about what is likely to lie ahead.  Right now, in […]

Transformational Politics

by Facilitate Global

Transformational Politics Awakening an American Society and the Global Community Be Part of the Evolution Clive Hambidge “Julian Assange” said Noam Chomsky “should be congratulated for  carrying out the responsibilities of a citizen in democratic societies, where the population should be aware of what their selected representatives are doing and planning.” Assange is perhaps to pay […]


by Facilitate Global

CHOMSKY on WIKILEAKS Noam Chomsky “Julian Assange should be congratulated for carrying out the responsibilities of a citizen in democratic societies, where the population should be aware of what their selected representatives are doing and planning. The Wikileaks revelations have surely advanced such awareness and understanding, and are a valuable contribution for that reason”. [To […]

How to Start a War: The American Use of War Pretext Incidents

by Facilitate Global

How to Start a War: The American Use of War Pretext Incidents. Richard Sanders The following article by Richard Sanders published in May 2002, prior to the onslaught of the Iraq war, carefully documents the History of War Pretext Incidents. This historical  review raises an important issue: Is the Pentagon seeking to trigger military confrontation in […]

American Presidents: Romancing A Stone

by Facilitate Global

American Presidents: Romancing A Stone An American past in an Israeli future for an ever present and brutal occupation Clive Hambidge Happy Christmas Mr President or may I call you Barack this Yule Tide? As you know “Christmas is the day that holds all time together” (Alexander Smith) certainly as you rustle through your Christmas […]

American Decline: Causes and Consequences

by Facilitate Global

American Decline: Causes and Consequences Noam Chomsky In the 2011 summer issue of the journal of the American Academy of Political Science, we read that it is “a common theme” that the United States, which “only a few years ago was hailed to stride the world as a colossus with unparalleled power and unmatched appeal […]

O Captain My Captain

by soraya

America’s Aid for Israel’s Political ‘Continuum’ A military conquest Clive Hambidge “… We shall use the ultimate force until the Palestinians come crawling to us on all fours … When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do will be to scurry round like drugged roaches in a bottle.” (Rafeal […]

by Facilitate Global

Obama’s Opportunity Clive Hambidge It came as little surprise that in an aside to White House aides, widely reported by a not so incredulous world media; one Barrack Hussein Obama was doubtful whether Binyamin Netanyahu could or would ever make the necessary concessions to achieve a “Middle East peace deal”. If there is a coherent […]

Behind the Iron Wall

by Facilitate Global

Behind The Iron Wall ‘The plan that never changed’ Clive Hambidge The UN Cultural organisation (UNESCO) voted strongly in favour of membership for the Palestinians. A vote opposed by Israel.  There were 173 countries that voted, 107 in favour, 14 opposing and 52 abstaining.  Great Britain was one of those in the latter category, thus […]