Posts tagged with ‘national security’

9 Items

US WikiLeaks Soldier Manning Court-Martialed

by Facilitate Global

US WikiLeaks Soldier Manning Court-Martialed The Voice of America (VOA) The U.S. Army has ordered a court-martial for a low-ranking intelligence analyst charged with passing classified documents to WikiLeaks. A military spokeswoman said Friday the Army approved a recommendation that Private First Class Bradley Manning stand trial. A date for the trial has not yet […]

The People vs The United States

by Facilitate Global

The People vs The United States Archie Kennedy The United Nations is empowered, under Article 1 of its Charter, to: “maintain international peace and security”, to “develop friendly relations among nations”, “to achieve international co-operation”, and “to be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends.” Article 2 […]

Victory for Internet Freedom: Obama Announces Opposition to SOPA, Congress Shelves Bill

by Facilitate Global

Victory for Internet Freedom: Obama Announces Opposition to SOPA, Congress Shelves Bill The Protect IP Act and Stop Online Piracy Act have generated intense opposition because of their crackdown on Internet freedom–and that opposition just won big. Misguided efforts to combat online privacy have been threatening to stifle innovation, suppress free speech, and even, in […]

Guantanamo Military Commission “Really About Secrecy,” Alleged Bomber’s Defense Attorney Says

by Facilitate Global

Guantanamo Military Commission “Really About Secrecy,” Alleged Bomber’s Defense Attorney Says Kari Panaccione Editor’s note: Coverage of this week’s military commission hearing at Guantanamo is a collaboration between Truthout and Seton Hall University School of Law, Center for Policy & Research. Guantanamo Bay, Cuba – The second day of proceedings here in the war crimes […]

CCR Holds Press Briefing

by Facilitate Global

CCR Holds Press Briefing; Large Coalition Stages Rally in Front of White House Leading to Supreme Court; Men at Guantánamo Plan Peaceful Protests January 11, 2012, Washington, DC – Today, on the tenth anniversary of the arrival of the first detained men at the U.S. prison in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, the Center for Constitutional Rights […]

‘Israeli Mossad Agents Posed as CIA Spies to Recruit Terrorists to Fight Against Iran’

by Facilitate Global

‘Israeli Mossad Agents Posed as CIA Spies to Recruit Terrorists to Fight Against Iran‘ Barak Ravid Foreign Policy magazine cites CIA memos from 2007-2008 that the Mossad recruited members of Jundallah terror group to fight against Tehran; U.S. was reportedly furious with Israel and moved to limit joint intelligence programs. January 13, 2012 “Haaretz” — […]

Monopoly Media Manipulation

by Facilitate Global

Monopoly Media Manipulation Michael Parenti In a capitalist “democracy” like the United States, the corporate news media faithfully reflect the dominant class ideology both in their reportage and commentary. At the same time, these media leave the impression that they are free and independent, capable of balanced coverage and objective commentary. How they achieve these […]

US-Israeli Spring Will Bring Deployment of Thousands of US Soldiers

by Facilitate Global

US-Israeli Spring Will Bring Deployment of Thousands of US Soldiers Eileen Fleming This spring, Israel and US will showcase the largest ever missile defense exercise and establish US command posts in Israel and Israeli Forces will occupy EUCOM headquarters in Germany. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, Lt.Gen. Frank Gorenc, commander of the US’s Third Air Force […]