Posts tagged with ‘lobbyists’

2 Items

How the Banks Broke the Social Compact, Promoting their Own Special Interests

by Facilitate Global

How the Banks Broke the Social Compact, Promoting their Own Special Interests Prof. Michael Hudson Banks Weren’t Meant to Be Like This.  What will their future be – and what is the government’s proper financial role? The inherently symbiotic relationship between banks and governments recently has been reversed. In medieval times, wealthy bankers lent to […]

Protesters in capital pledge to stay despite ban

by Facilitate Global

Protesters in capital pledge to stay despite ban Lily Kuo and Ian Simpson WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Defiant anti-Wall Street protesters in Washington vowed to remain peacefully entrenched in two parks near the White House on Monday despite a police order to stop camping on federal land, raising the specter of possible confrontation. The U.S. National […]