Posts tagged with ‘Jason Leopold’

2 Items

Military Attorney Was Accused of “Smuggling” Anti-Guantanamo Literature to Detainee

by Facilitate Global

Military Attorney Was Accused of “Smuggling” Anti-Guantanamo Literature to Detainee Jason Leopold Military attorney says false allegation preceded Guantanamo commander’s recent order authorizing a team of Pentagon contractors to reveiw privileged, attorney-client communications. But was the claim leveled to justify the new policy? Early last month, Air Force Capt. Michael Schwartz was summoned into the […]

Revealed: The FBI’s Secretive Practice of “Blackballing” Files

by Facilitate Global

Revealed: The FBI’s Secretive Practice of “Blackballing” Files Jason Leopold Have you ever filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the FBI and received a written response from the agency stating that it could not locate records responsive to your request? If so, there’s a chance the FBI may have found some documents, […]