Posts tagged with ‘Israeli crimes’

3 Items

The Twinning

by Facilitate Global

The Twinning Clive Hambidge Palestinian Children in Israeli military detention   Here in South Tottenham (London), attending a Twinning Conference organised excellently and robustly by Haringey Justice for Palestinians[1], a creative branch of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, I am just recovering from the icy cold outside, in possession of a brimming coffee and in the […]

Righteous Condemnation of Israeli Mass Murder

by Facilitate Global

Righteous Condemnation of Israeli Mass Murder Stephen Lendman Media scoundrels feature pro-Israeli supporters. Doing so makes them complicit with Israeli crimes. Charles Krauthammer is one of the worst. He’s an embarrassment to legitimate journalism. His latest Washington Post op-ed  <>headlines “Why was there war in Gaza?” His commentary shows appalling ignorance, support for Israeli lawlessness, […]

Targeting AIPAC

by Facilitate Global

Targeting AIPAC Stephen Lendman On January 23, Occupy AIPAC announced plans to confront the powerful Israeli Lobby in Washington from March 2 – 6. More on what’s planned below. Since last September, OWS inspired affiliate groups. Among others they include Occupy Together, Occupy Everything, Occupy Arrests, Occupy Police, Occupy Marines, Occupy Veterans, Occupy Writers, Occupy […]