Posts tagged with ‘international law’

1630 of 58 items

A Deadly Déjà Vu

by Facilitate Global

A Deadly Déjà Vu  Clive Hambidge  Operation Pillar of Cloud “Now we can sense the sweet scent and the soulful breeze of the spring, a spring that has just begun and doesn’t belong to a specific race, ethnicity, nation or region, a spring that will soon reach all territories in Asia, Europe, Africa and the […]

On protection of National abroad

by Facilitate Global

On protection of National abroad Lilian Nyamwaro There have been a number of debates over the doctrine of protection of nationals abroad. A number of states have occasionally affirmed a right to intervene in situations where their nationals have been in danger in the territory of another state. Some have viewed this as a pretext […]

Growing Isolation: Boycott of Israel Crosses to Governments’ Realm

by Facilitate Global

Growing Isolation: Boycott of Israel Crosses to Governments’ Realm Ramzy Baroud Should Israel be worried? Very much so, for the age of total impunity is coming to an end. Critical voices of the Israeli occupation and mistreatment of Palestinians are rising – not only within civil society circles, but among world governments as well. The […]

On Israel’s State Identity

by Facilitate Global

On Israel’s State Identity Basheer Al Zoughbi Introduction One of the most fundamental conceptual premises was centered on how to define the identity of the new state. Theodor Herzl provided in ‘The Jewish State’ booklet that the proposed state will be for the Jewish people and in any event Herzel’s Jewish state, according to him, […]

EU academics call for end to EU research subsidies for Israeli arms companies

by Facilitate Global

EU academics call for end to EU research subsidies for Israeli arms companies Alternative Information Centre More than 250 academics from 14 different European countries have written to the European Commission urging it to take action to prevent Israeli arms companies and other companies involved in abuse of Palestinian human rights from participating in EU […]

The Palestinian Right Of Return Under International Law

by Facilitate Global

The Palestinian Right Of Return Under International Law Francis A. Boyle SYNOPSIS The just resolution of the Palestinian right of return is at the very heart of the Middle East peace process. Nonetheless, the Obama administration intends to impose a comprehensive peace settlement upon the Palestinians that will force them to give up their well-recognized […]

State Responsibility in the context of non-state actors

by Facilitate Global

State Responsibility in the context of non-state actors Lilian Nyamwaro Are the International Law Commission’s 2001 Articles on State Responsibility for Internationally Wrongful Acts sufficiently robust in the context of non-state actors who commit acts of terrorism? The principle of state responsibility under international law was created to protect the rights of all sovereign states […]

Bombshell for the settlement enterprise in Levy report

by Facilitate Global

Bombshell for the settlement enterprise in Levy report David Kretzmer The far-reaching consequences of the Levy report mean Israeli must either recognize that the legal system in the West Bank resembles apartheid – or extend political rights for all. The Edmond Levy report was written by a Committee established to find a way, if possible, […]

Media Scoundrels Promote War

by Facilitate Global

Media Scoundrels Promote War Stephen Lendman Syria is target one, then Iran. The road to Tehran runs through Damascus. Western-backed insurgents can’t match Assad’s security forces. In 2011, Libyan killer gangs had air force support. Without NATO, they’d have been routed. Expect stepped up intervention in Syria. All signs suggest it. The April 10 deadline […]

Reality in Occupied Palestine

by Facilitate Global

Reality in Occupied Palestine Stephen Lendman Gaza’s attacked regularly. Dozens of West Bank incursions occur weekly. Police state harshness and arrests follow. In the week ending April 5, one Palestinian was killed and dozens injured, including 18 children. They were nonviolently commemorating Land Day. Many others, including an international human rights defender, were wounded during […]

President Obama and His Key Advisors are a Gang of War Criminals

by Facilitate Global

President Obama and His key Advisors are a Gang of War Criminals Dave Lindorff February 29, 2012 “Information Clearing House” —- If a bunch of street toughs decided to gang up and beat the crap out of some guy in the neighborhood because they feared he might be planning to buy a gun to protect […]

Corporate Immunity Looks Likely: Supreme Court Seems Ready To Side With Shell In Human Rights Suit (Update)

by Facilitate Global

Corporate Immunity Looks Likely: Supreme Court Seems Ready To Side With Shell In Human Rights Suit (Update) WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Tuesday morning appeared divided along party lines, with a conservative majority ready to hold that corporations cannot be held accountable in federal courts for international human rights violations. The Court was hearing […]

Ten reasons why AIPAC is so dangerous

by Facilitate Global

Ten reasons why AIPAC is so dangerous Medea Benjamin The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is one of the most powerful lobby organizations in the country. AIPAC’s clout helps fuel a never-ending cycle of violence in the Middle East. Here are ten reasons why AIPAC is so dangerous. 1. AIPAC is lobbying Congress to […]

Noam Chomsky: America’s Decline Is Real — and Increasingly Self-Inflicted

by Facilitate Global

[part 1] Noam Chomsky: America’s Decline Is Real — and Increasingly Self-Inflicted Noam Chomsky, Significant anniversaries are solemnly commemorated — Japan’s attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, for example.  Others are ignored, and we can often learn valuable lessons from them about what is likely to lie ahead.  Right now, in […]