Posts tagged with ‘IAEA’

2 Items

Terror Attacks, U.S.-Israeli War Games Raise the Prospects for War with Iran

by Facilitate Global

Terror Attacks, U.S.-Israeli War Games Raise the Prospects for War with Iran Tom Burghardt Amid rising tensions over bogus Western claims that Iran plans to build nuclear weapons, upcoming American war games with Israel have the potential of escalating into a deadly confrontation. A miscalculation, or deliberate provocation by the West designed to maneuver the […]

Avoiding Another “Long War”: Intelligence Officials Reveal “Dubious” IAEA Report on Iran’s Alleged Nuclear Weapons Program

by Facilitate Global

Avoiding Another “Long War”: Intelligence Officials Reveal “Dubious” IAEA Report on Iran’s Alleged Nuclear Weapons Program by Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity Exaggerated coverage of a dubious report by the International Atomic Energy Agency about Iran’s alleged nuclear weapons program has spurred a rush toward a new war in the Middle East, but ex-U.S. intelligence officials […]