Posts tagged with ‘European Commission’

2 Items

EU academics call for end to EU research subsidies for Israeli arms companies

by Facilitate Global

EU academics call for end to EU research subsidies for Israeli arms companies Alternative Information Centre More than 250 academics from 14 different European countries have written to the European Commission urging it to take action to prevent Israeli arms companies and other companies involved in abuse of Palestinian human rights from participating in EU […]

ACTA: Worse Than SOPA and PIPA

by Facilitate Global

ACTA: Worse Than SOPA and PIPA Stephen Lendman Internet freedom’s on the line. SOPA and PIPA threatened Net Neutrality and free expression. So does ACTA. More on it below. For now, the largest online protest in Internet history got Congress to abandon SOPA and PIPA for now but not permanently. Expect resurrection in modified form. […]