Posts tagged with ‘Department of Homeland Security’

3 Items

US Congress passes authoritarian anti-protest law

by Facilitate Global

US Congress passes authoritarian anti-protest law Tom Carter A bill passed Monday in the US Congress and Thursday in the Senate would make it a felony—a serious criminal offense punishable by lengthy terms of incarceration—to participate in many forms of protest associated with the Occupy Wall Street protests of last year. Several commentators have dubbed […]

Profit Driven Prison Industrial Complex – The Economics of Incarceration in the USA

by Facilitate Global

Profit Driven Prison Industrial Complex – The Economics of Incarceration in the USA Nile Bowie Profit Driven Prison Industrial Complex: The Economics of Incarceration in the USA. For every 100,000 Americans, 743 citizens sit behind bars For anyone paying attention, there is no shortage of issues that fundamentally challenge the underpinning moral infrastructure of American […]

Close the Guantánamo Gulag

by Facilitate Global

 Close the Guantánamo Gulag Marjorie Cohn Travelers to Cuba and music lovers are familiar with the song “Guantanamera” – literally, the girl from Guantánamo. With lyrics by José Martí, the father of Cuban independence, Guantanamera is probably the most widely known Cuban song. But Guantánamo is even more famous now for its US military prison. […]