Posts tagged with ‘Children’

115 of 39 items

Interview with Dance Movement Psychotherapist

by Facilitate Global

Interview with Dance Movement Psychotherapist (DMP) Claire M. Perriam What brought you to Dance Movement Psychotherapy work? My work as a DMP began after a lengthy career as a dancer and choreographer in the commercial and private sector. This work was fulfilling and exciting but I was ready for new challenges and wanted to offer […]

Remember All the Children, Mr. President

by Facilitate Global

Remember All the Children, Mr. President Bill Quigley Remember the 20 children who died in Newtown, Connecticut. Remember the 35 children who died in Newtown Gaza this month from Israeli bombardments. Remember the 168 children who have been killed by US drone attacks in Pakistan since 2006. Remember the 231 children killed in Afghanistan in […]

Reality in Occupied Palestine

by Facilitate Global

Reality in Occupied Palestine Stephen Lendman Gaza’s attacked regularly. Dozens of West Bank incursions occur weekly. Police state harshness and arrests follow. In the week ending April 5, one Palestinian was killed and dozens injured, including 18 children. They were nonviolently commemorating Land Day. Many others, including an international human rights defender, were wounded during […]

The Ghost and the Machine: Drone Warfare and Accountability

by Facilitate Global

The Ghost and the Machine: Drone Warfare and Accountability Kathy Kelly and Afghan Youth Peace Fazillah, age 25, lives in Maidan Shar, the central city of Afghanistan’s Wardak province.  She married about six years ago, and gave birth to a son, Aymal, who just turned five without a father. Fazillah tells her son, Aymal, that […]

Europe’s Own Human Rights Crisis

by Facilitate Global

Europe’s Own Human Rights Crisis Benjamin Ward To many friends of human rights in Europe, the Arab Spring has been the most thrilling period since the fall of the Berlin Wall. Judging from their soaring rhetoric about yearning for freedom among Arab peoples, European Union leaders share that enthusiasm. Today there is an opportunity, the […]

UN Expert Concludes: Israel Implements a strategy of Judaization

by Facilitate Global

UN Expert Concludes: Israel Implements a strategy of Judaization ICAHD Prof. Raquel Rolnik, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing, has concluded this morning (Sunday, February 12th 2012) of a two week visit to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Speaking in Jerusalem this afternoon Prof. Rolink said: “From the Galilee and the […]

61 Homes Demolished in Gaza!

by Facilitate Global

61 Homes Demolished in Gaza! Barbara Lubin I am writing this letter to you late at night and I am asking you to help me. Over the years I have asked for you to step up and reach out to the people here in Palestine because to be honest with you are the only people […]

OPT: Boosting protection and tackling food insecurity

by Facilitate Global

OPT: Boosting protection and tackling food insecurity IRIN The humanitarian community’s 2012-2013 Consolidated Appeals Process (CAP) for the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) has a narrower scope than in previous years, focusing on two strategic objectives: improving the protective environment, including access to essential services like health care and education, and tackling food insecurity especially in […]

The World War on Democracy

by Facilitate Global

The World War on Democracy John Pilger January 20, 2012 “Information Clearing House” — Lisette Talate died the other day. I remember a wiry, fiercely intelligent woman who masked her grief with a determination that was a presence. She was the embodiment of people’s resistance to the war on democracy. I first glimpsed her in […]

The Afghan Dust is Settling

by Facilitate Global

The Afghan Dust is Settling A Sourcebook on Media Censorship in America Book Review of Project Censored’s Censored 2012 Dr. Paul W. Rea Even more than its predecessors, Censored 2012 makes for highly engaging and informative reading. This collection is a well mixed bag containing much that we need to know but typically don’t. Scarcely […]

Stop Warmongering in the Middle East

by Facilitate Global

Stop Warmongering in the Middle East Richard Falk The public discussion in the West addressing Iran’s nuclear program has mainly relied on threat diplomacy, articulated most clearly by Israeli officials, but enjoying the strong direct and indirect backing of Washington and leading Gulf states.  Israel has also engaged in covert warfare against Iran in recent […]

Terror Attacks, U.S.-Israeli War Games Raise the Prospects for War with Iran

by Facilitate Global

Terror Attacks, U.S.-Israeli War Games Raise the Prospects for War with Iran Tom Burghardt Amid rising tensions over bogus Western claims that Iran plans to build nuclear weapons, upcoming American war games with Israel have the potential of escalating into a deadly confrontation. A miscalculation, or deliberate provocation by the West designed to maneuver the […]