The plight of the Dalits
2016 Seminar hosted by the London Institute of South Asia UK (LISA) First published here, 2nd March 2017 .
2016 Seminar hosted by the London Institute of South Asia UK (LISA) First published here, 2nd March 2017 .
[NB: As an ngo signatory listed at number 35, Facilitate Global unequivocally supports ISHR’s call for “the renewal of the mandate of the UN Special Rapporteur on human rights defenders.” #HRC34 | Global NGO coalition calls for renewal of mandate of UN Special Rapporteur on human rights defenders 07.03.2017 In a letter to member States of the Human […]
Questions of Power and Slavery Clive Hambidge There are many spiders spinning webs of corruption. But the main supporter of this corruption has the stars and stripes on its thorax. And it will be on that and the American Constitution which I will focus on this evening. Nothing is so corrupt and corrupting as […]
Balfour An Apology? Committee Room 2a House of Lords Clive Hambidge The Balfour narrative, biblically driven, was a prejudicial sweep of historical Palestine under an imperialist Zionist carpet underlying the 1922 League of Nations Mandate of the Balfour/Lloyd George deceit. The meta-physics of this ‘sociological’ religiosity seeks (indeed remains in) and re-turns to history, and, […]
Clement Attlee Suite Houses of Parliament The Suffering of Palestinian Refugees in Jordan Clive Hambidge To highlight suffering is one thing, to alleviate suffering yet another. To bring an end to suffering must be the primary reflex for moral action undertaken by persons that will not tolerate institutional accord with determinate and recorded crime by […]
In Valiant Fortitude Soraya Boyd Unlawfully pincered between harsh collective punishment and base military aggression The tear bedabbled faces of innocent children in constant lacrimation Afforded no respite cling desperately to their progenitor for safety and protection Incessantly tossed and trounced in a criminally virulent sphere Innocent children lead daily lives carved in the deathly architecture […]
Models of Restorative Justice for Peace-Building and Transformative Societal Change In Palestine-Israel Donna Nassor, JD NJ City University I come in peace with the intension of enhancing relationships, engaging in dialogue, creating alliances, building bridges and actively being a more effective agent of social change. None of that can be done by avoiding the truth. […]